Valuable products from cell culture

From cultured animal cell several valuable products such as human monoclonal antibodies, and biochemicals can be produced on a large scale. Several million dollors have been earned from this industry in Europe, America, Africa, Japan and India. This industry has better future. More interestingly, the genetically engineered cells have revolutionized the cell culture industry. Several specific promoters of human origin are utilized for high expression of foreign genes.

For large scale production of certain biochemicals, the genetically engineered baculovirus-infected animals cells are also in use in a bioreactor. To fulfil the process several 'perfusion systems' have been developed that retain the cells in the bio reactor at the time of replacement of conditioned medium with fresh medium. This results in increase in cell density and in turn cell productivity. For commercial production of products a large scale cell density and in turn cell productivity. For commercial production of products a large scale cell culture system and scaling up of process are required. Therefore, 'master cell banks' (MCBs) are established to meet out demand. The MCBs are used to develop master working cell bank (MWCB) which meets the demand of production system. After several sub culturing, the MWCB is regularly checked for any kind of changes occurring in cells. Thus, the large scale cultures are the sources of all valuable products which are produced in a bio reactor.

Some of the important products which are produced from animal cell cultures are:

i. Enzymes (asperagenase, collagenase, urokinase, pepsin, hyaluronidase, rennin, trypsin, tyrosin, hydroxylase),

ii. Hormones (leutinizng hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, chorionic hormone and erythropoietin),

iii. Vaccines (foot and mouth disease vaccine, vaccines for influenza, measles and mumphs, rubella and rabies),

iv. Monoclonal antibodies

v. Interferons, etc.

Tolbert et al (1982) got success in producing large quantities of human interleukin-2 or T-cell growth factor by culturing a permanent lymphoblastoid T-cell line in a large batch suspension culture in a bio reactor.